Friday, July 30, 2010
Check out some pictures of my sculpture Mono-culture:
Mono-culture is an examination of our societies dependence on a vast genetically invariable, artificially supported monoculture of a single food crop: corn. The work reveals how our agricultural practices create not only monocultures of food crops but more dangerously, monocultures of the mind . Industrialized agriculture not only standardizes the means of production/consumption but the producers and consumers as well.
The sculpture is automated and embedded with a motion sensor. When viewers/participants approach the table to partake in some emblems of American food stuffs such as Coca-cola(high fructose corn syrup) or Doritos corn chips the suspended "corn hive" comes to life, violently shaking kernels loose from vinyl seed sacks. The kernels than fall to a metallic floor connected to an amplifier, producing a cacophonic deluge of falling corn, like sand falling through a nightmare hour glass.
Here is a rare pic of the work in progress. The sculpture is composed of welded steel, vinyl, electronics, and corn.
art work,
Garrett Strobel,
industrial agricullture,